Similarly to the belt-leash, the shoulder leash lets your hands roam free. However, your dog gets to enjoy more freedom in his movement when you choose to wear the leash around your upper body. We choose this version when meeting up with friends for a coffee on-the-go.
The wooftiger leash can be worn like a belt above the hips. This allows your hands to remain free for whatever tasks lay ahead of you. We choose this version for our morning jogs.

No matter if it's just you and your four-legged friend or if you're visiting your local dog school: The wooftiger leash can be shortened to 95 cm, ideal for any training. We use this short version of the leash for walks along busy streets, too.
The leash can be lengthened to 165 cm. Depending on your and your dog’s size you may choose an entirely different length for your everyday walks in the woods or around the block. There are endless possibilities!